Praise be to thy name that is glory. Praise be to thy name that alone is excellent. The lifting up of your glory is in the heavens and the earth. Yea, all the heavens delight in thy name. Thy mighty wonders are the works of perfection. In all the earth, thy glory is a displayed with beauty. You are a joy, my LORD. You are my joy and my glory. The works of your hands are unique. There is none like you in the heavens and the earth. Let every living thing praise the LORD because he alone is God. They that withhold his glory are fools. But he that is wise rejoices in the praise of the LORD. O my God, let thy heart be fatten with gladness. Let my hands bless you. Let them pour upon you blessings without measure. O Father, let thy name glory. I will not deny you your praise. I will be quick to deliver exaltation unto thy name. My words cannot justify thy greatness. And who, O LORD, can begin to imagine all thy works? Help me, O LORD, to know thy ways and honour you. Show me the glory of my God and let me lift up thy name and honour you. Fatten my heart with thy truth and let gladness seep out of my bones. O Father, even my marrow, let it rejoice in thy name. I look to thee, my God; for thou are faithful to thy servant. My joy is because of you. Who can stand in the way of thy praise? Who can stand in the way of thy glory? You build mountains and they stand strong. You display the stars of the heavens and they bring glory to thy name. O LORD, the perfection of your hand is worthy of praise. Thou alone shall glory. Yea, in all the heavens they shall honour you. Look at thy mighty works in the earth: who can do these things but thee, O LORD? Let thy name glory. Make haste to glorify thyself, Father. Thy name is worthy and thy glory is magnified in truth. I will speak the praise of the LORD and let them bless him. I will declare the works of the LORD and the lifting up of his glory shall be a joy to my soul. Let the whole earth magnify the praise of the LORD. Let them make haste and give glory to God. The LORD is mighty and great. The hand of the LORD is terrible in righteousness. Who can stand against his hand? He heal the sick. He brings hope to the afflicted. Justice and peace he delivers to the poor and needy. He comforts the lonely. And he mend the broken-hearted. O the goodness of God, I cannot understand it. His lovingkindness extends to the heavens. He renew his compassion daily. Give glory to God. Give glory to the most High; for his name is excellent in glory. Bless him and honour him and magnify his name to the ends of the earth. Yea, every man that is with breath praise the LORD. Remember the ways of the LORD and magnify his name. Give glory to God. Give glory to the God who have kept me out of bondage, who deliver hope to me, and shew me the works of his great hand. Lift up the name of the LORD. In all the earth make haste. Arise and shine and let the glory of God be magnified. His name alone is excellent. Worthy is the Lamb of God. Praise his name in the heavens and the earth. Let the whole earth raw with excitement. Let the waters of the seas swell up with billows and give glory to God. Let the mighty works of God be displayed with glory. Let them show his power and strength of his great hand. Yea, let them beautify his name that is excellent. Let them dance to and fro and make a great noise. Yea, let his name be praise. O LORD my God, my glory, thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for the gifts. You walk with me and talk with me. O my God, honour must come to thee. Power and strength shall beseech the LORD. Praise be to thy name, O LORD. Great glory beseech my God. I will lift up thy name in Zion. Thou knowest I will do it. I will honour you. O Father, glorify yourself. Lift up your name that is honourable and excellent before me. Praise be to thy name, and great glory, forever and ever!

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