LORD, hear the works of thine own hands and let it be that your glory shall be magnified. Let it be that the name of the most High shall glory. By thy hand I have hope and my soul rejoices in thy name. The heavens are rich with mercy. Grace is poured out on the earth. Enrich my life with thy grace, O LORD. O LORD, be generous my darling and let it be that my season shall bring gladness to thy heart. LORD Jesus, in thy name I pray. Let thy name be esteemed without measure. O LORD, thou knowest the depths of my heart. Nothing else will do, my LORD. If thou shall glory my hope shall abide on the high hill. On the high hill of Zion shall I look for my God. LORD God Almighty, I search for thee and find thee. Thou made thyself know to me. Thank you Father. The lifting up of thy name shall glory. O LORD, speak the praise of thy right hand and give me a fresh anointing in this evil day, when the day, O LORD God, stand up with violence. When hope fight hopelessness, let it be that the LORD God of honour will not be far away. Let it be that by your Spirit, we will rejoice. And that your name shall glory. The lifting up of your name shall not cease. LORD Jesus, I come to thee, my Saviour, with assurance. I come to thee knowing fully well that your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I come to thee, O LORD, for thy hand did ordained strength to babes and sucklings. El Shaddai my glory, I come to thee to lift up thy name in praise. I come to thee; for the LORD my God is with power and strength. Glory shall abound. Heaven shall rejoice. Zion shall sing songs and praises in the name of the LORD my God. Glory will full thy bosom, my LORD. Yea, I tell you the truth. In Zion my King shall rejoice. The hope of righteousness shall glory. The LORD is the hope of righteousness. If it is well with him, then shall it be well with me. Let every man seek the LORD of righteousness. Let them lift up his name in praise. Let the LORD glory. Let his name be praised, then shall it be well with our souls. Speak the praise of the LORD. Testify to his glory. Come forth with joy, O children of the living God, and magnify his name. Speak the praise of the LORD in all the land. Tell your friends and your neighbors. Tell them, the LORD is my light and my salvation. He is the God who delivered me from bondage. I hope in the LORD; for by his hand I glory. I glory in the God who will not fail me. All my hope is in the hand of righteousness. O children of God, rejoice. Rejoice that the LORD our God is magnified. Rejoice that it is written of you in the book of life. Rejoice because Zion stand tall with glory. Rejoice; for there is hope in the name Jesus Christ. There is hope in the Son of the living God. There is hope in my LORD and my God. I tell you the truth, you do not know the works of my God, how great and mighty is his hand? Who can understand this glory? Can a man measure the infinite things of God? Or can he know the hidden things of God? My God will glory. I tell you the truth. This God who delivered me from bondage will glory. The light of the living God is in me; surely I will bring forth the joys of his right hand. Let his name be praised and let my LORD Jesus Christ be magnified. In all the earth let it be established that my LORD Jesus Christ is King. Yea, he is the everlasting King, the King of glory.

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