My Father, I glory in the lifting up of thy name. Thy praise is a joy to my soul. Upon the hilll, upon the high hill of Zion excellent treasures behold thee. O my God, thy name is excellent in all the earth. Who will not know of thy name? Shall any escape thy beauty? None shall escape it; for thou did but it in every man’s heart. And they that deny you do it by their own foolishness. In thy wisdom and kind mercy thou poured exceedingly great grace upon this earth. All men partake of thy grace. And they that trample on thy grace and forsake thy mercy, know not the riches of thy right hand. For who will know and not partake of thy riches? Who will taste and not understand the goodness of God, lest he is void of wisdom? Let every man look to thee for wisdom; for what good is a man without wisdom but a desolation unto the earth? What is the glory of the dead who forsake the things of the living? My God, make known thy ways to the righteous. Let them hold on to what is good and forsake what is bad. Let the foolish flee from their ways and let them cleave to thee. Let them cling to thee that is with hope and trust in the LORD. It is good before thy eyes to desire the things that profit us. O Spirit of the living God, let thy word come forth as light. Let thy peace come forth as joy. Let gladness seep into our hearts with praises. O my God, let thy name be exalted. I hope in the LORD my God, and glory. By his hand this whole world have hope. And the riches of his right hand is sufficient, that they that partake shall be satisfied. Let the LORD enrich our souls with his riches. O LORD, blessed art thou who enrich our souls by thy right hand. And in thy goodness and mercy, thou giveth life. It is well with our souls to follow after our LORD. LORD Jesus, let thy name be praised. Let the joys of the heavens fatten your heart with gladness. Upon the waters thou art magnified. In the deep thou glory. In the heights, thy praise is excellent. O LORD, thy praise shall come forth with light. The blessing of the LORD is sure. The joys of the LORD are magnified greatly. My God, I lift up my King. I bless you and cloak you with honour and strength. I lift up thy glory, O God, without measure. Thou art my life; thou art my hope; thou art my everlasting glory. Yea, let this be my praise. In all the land let it magnify the name of the LORD. Yea, let it lift up the heavens and bring forth his name in joy. This is my joy, to praise the LORD. Thou knowest fully well from the beginning, that by my hand thy praise shall be lifted up. O Father, I humble myself, yet I obliged to exalt thy name with gladness. The LORD is my God. Yea, this too was established before the foundation of the earth, that I shall walk on this land shouting praises unto the LORD.

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