LORD, you lift up Zion and crown her with beauty. You have chosen her for your dwelling place. O Zion is a place of everlasting glory and of truth. The weary shall find rest in Zion. The weak shall find strength upon the hill. Glory shall abound in her midst. Great glory shall beseech Zion. O blessed Zion, the LORD is your God. I will sing the praise of Zion and lift up the glory of her King. O blessed Father, great is thy hand and worthy is thy King. By thy hand we glory. Excellent things cometh from the hand of God. O children of Zion, let us praise the LORD. Let us magnify his name in glory. Yea, let us be exceedingly glad and lift up praises without ceasing. O the LORD is my precious Saviour. My first love dwelleth on High. Truth came down from his hand and by his word he glory. O let us seek the word of the living God, that we may glory. Let us delight in the rich beauty of holiness. I speak the praise of the LORD. O my glory, behold, I bring before you treasures of gladness. Let them fatten your heart with joy. Let thy name glory. Let the excellencies of my heart beseech thee. O yea, let them come quickly and encroach thee. Let them lift up thy name in Zion and magnify the God that is Great. Let them magnify the name that is Mighty. O the terrible hand of God, who can withstand it?

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