It is a vain thing to seek the LORD, and not consider him worthy of praise. Who will desire the goodness of the LORD, and not exalt his name in heaven? Men are vain and their hearts are corrupt. They desire riches and the works of unrighteousness, and all vain things. But the glory of God abound with hope: seek it. Seek it and behold the salvation of God. By his hand I bring forth his words that you may know that he is God. What joy shall a man have without the LORD? Put not your trust in man, nor desire them for your strength. For he that do these things and forsake the LORD shall be disappointed. Will not a mortal man be vain upon this land? For it is written: Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are all together lighter than vanity (Psalms 62:9). Then who shall seek him, instead of the LORD? Will he save you when he cannot save himself? Behold, I bring before you the hope of righteousness and truth. I bring before you my God, my Christ the Rock, that you may know that in him man shall live and not die. I tell you the truth: I am a vain man without the LORD. My strength is cast down to the ground without the LORD. Without the LORD who shall be able to evade the sorrow of hell? Sorrows shall overtake this world without the LORD. Depart not from me my God. Who can save from sin, lest he be God? Who sheweth righteousness to the unrighteous, and to sinners that cleave to the dust? The hope of a man is vain without the LORD. I have searched. Thou knowest, O LORD, I have searched, yet I find no hope without the LORD. What is this that man desires that giveth not life? The hope of righteousness is vain on the earth: men seek violence and corruption. They gather up vanity, and look not upon the face of the LORD. O LORD, have mercy on us; for we are vain, even lighter than vanity. Thou art our only hope. O Righteousness, my God, hear me. Hear thy servant, O LORD, to whom thou sheweth the pleasures of thy right hand. Make haste and let thy glory abound in all the heavens and the earth. O LORD, I will praise thee: let our souls find comfort in thee. O Father, thy name is a delight to my soul and I know fully well thy glory abound in all the heavens and the earth. I beseech thee, my God; for I have seen thy ways and my soul desires it. O LORD, shew mercy in the land of the living, lest desolation comes our way and we shall not escape it. By thy hand we hope; O Rock, take hold of us.

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